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We are IT that Cares!

As a Business Owner, does this sound familiar?

  • You need your IT company to call you back quickly when there is a problem 24/7/365.
  • You need your data secured, protected, and backed up against ransomware & threats.
  • You need a guide to help you budget for new computers and future technology.
  • You need a consistent monthly IT bill and no surprise invoices.
  • You need to make one phone call to handle all your IT vendors & ISP.

Find out how BSS can solve all these problems for you. Schedule a meeting today.

User Support

We provide the continual delivery of superior technical support while simultaneously providing industry leading customer satisfaction and support.

Data Protection

Even a good antivirus software is worthless if your widows and applications aren’t kept up-to-date. Minimize your risk of exposure with our many layers of protection.

Cyber Security

Achieve peace-of-mind through a tiered approach to Security. From multi-factor authentication to advanced endpoint security, we protect your business from cyber attacks.

Account Management

We pledge to provide exceptional technology for your business and will provide the best technical talent to manage that technology and surpass your service expectations.

Managed Services

We’ll manage all of your IT services for a flat-rate fee.

Remote IT Services

Let us fix your issues with ease and speed.

Data Recovery & Business Continuity

Prevent the unexpected from ruining your company.

VoIP Solutions

We’ll make sure your communication needs are met.

You need your IT technology to work without interruption. 

Real-time Client Satisfaction

Customer Satisfaction Rating

Live Client Feedback

Why Choose Us?

We love to help people. We find joy in solving problems. And we do both with technology.

Our clients will tell you: "BSS just takes care of everything." If you have our standard service packages, we deliver extensive protection against cyber threats and network disasters in a consistent monthly fee. We manage all your tech vendors and provide a dedicated Account Manager to help you budget and plan for your growth.

When it comes to security and business continuity, you need expert guidance, robust security tools, and responsive support in emergencies. Integrity, Responsiveness, and Attention to Details are just a few of the values we embody in our culture. We live up to that promise by being the Caretakers of Your Productivity since 1995.


You have the right to expect complete satisfaction and full disclosure involving your technology and service. If you aren't satisfied the solution will be on OUR dime, not yours.


A dedicated team answers your phone calls and support tickets are assigned within an hour. You'll receive regular updates for your issues through direct communication from our large support team.


The same monthly bill for IT service means you can accurately budget for the year and plan for equipment upgrades. You'll never get nickel-and-dime surprise charges from us!


Our first-available technicians can access and troubleshoot from any of our locations. This means we'll get you back up and running in as little time possible. And our On-Call technicians are the same BSS experts you work with every day.


Expensive repairs and recovery costs are significantly reduced with our network monitoring and maintenance. These tools enable us to detect tiny, hidden problems and repair them BEFORE they turn into expensive downtime disasters.


More than just your network, we manage your company's best interest. In addition to protecting you against malicious attacks and accidental mistakes, we protect your company's pocket from unexpected technology failures. Our solutions can be customized to your needs and budget.

Find out if BSS the Right Fit for You:




Step 1 - Call

Engage in collaborative discovery.

Step 2 - Plan

Review your technology solutions roadmap.

Step 3 - Achieve

Experience clarity, relief, and peace of mind.

Business System Solutions: trusted computer support for businesses in Central Indiana, Middle Tennessee, and West Michigan – Let us help you today!

Maybe you’re concerned with the current rising costs of your IT services, or maybe you are just running short on time because of your expanding business and need to hand over the reins of some services to someone else. Whatever your reason, we can help you with quality IT services today.

Your business can save money and time today with Business System Solutions’ managed services, network solutions, IT support and more.